Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I was reading one of my oldest blog entries and its really amusing because its a post about how much I love not having TV. Now I cannot imagine my life without it. Mostly though, lately, I have been watching a lot of reality television. I used to be the biggest opponent of reality TV and now I have become addicted. Among my favorites are Kept, Big Brother 6, Stripsearch, Hogan Knows Best, The Surreal Life, and Celebrity Fit Club 2. Its gotten to the point where if I dont see the weekly episode of each of these I feel as if my life is incomplete.

What is really shocking is that I have become this person that feeds off the negative energy of others. My nourishment is now seeing a man with an acceptable body being told that he looks like a fatass in a thong; or seeing one of my childhood crushes, Willie Ames (Buddy from Charles in Charge), flounce around like a hippopotamous in a boxing ring. I like to wash it all down with Bronson Pinchot (yes, Balky) being amasculated by Omorasa whilst she lusts over Jose Canseco's muscular ass.


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