Disaster movies make me sick. Is reality not terrifying enough. Why does Hollywood feel a need to depict the world'd weather patterns changing to the point where they completely destryo civilization and almost destroy the earth? Is reality not horrifying enough?! Thousands of people die every day in horrible ways. Starvation, war, genocide plague this planet and instead of concerning ourselves with that we decide o drag our fat asses to the movie theatre and pay $8 to sit comfortably in our love seat rocker stadium seating and watch the world get destroyed by tsunamis and tornadoes. Why? Because we can tell ourselves "Its just a movie this isnt real." Take your $8 and donate it to a worthwhile charity and dont see disaster movies.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
About Me
- Name: Adam
- Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Politics, Science, Art, Film, Music, Life, Death. Unedited and Uncensored.

Krebs Cast (((PODCAST)))

SPONSOR my group "The Gayborhoodies" - AIDS Arms LifeWalk - October 1, 2006

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- Like I said...
- Quasi So Long.
- Krebs Cast #47: Trannies and Food
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- Some closets are still occupied.
- Real Men Wear Pink
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- Your Thoughts, Your Captions.
- Krebs Cast #46: 'Tis the season for political plea...
- KCV#1: Hello retardo.
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