New Look, New Grill, and A Movie

I absolutely love them with every fiber of my being, they are the best gifts a blogger/podcaster could ever receive. VJ is quite talented with the graphic design and also taught me the neato method of taking pictures of people with a special flash so its all trippy looking. He has tons of cool pics on his blog so go check his part f the internets out and check out his podcast too. Thanks again VJ!
My three day vacation from my vacation is over and I'm headed back to work tomorrow. I have a love-hate relationship with the feelings that I have after a huge amount of time off work that included a festive event that afforded me much euphoria. This feeling typically happens after the holiday season and the anticlimactic New Year hullaballoo; the crashing halt and inertial melancholy inevitably follows. I liken the sensation to stuffing yourself with your favorite food even though you're full, the pain is intense but you can't help it and you continue to gorge yourself. Has anyone figured out the technology for inertial damping yet (thats a geeky Star Trek reference that I'm sure Atari will get).
In any case, its been a splendid few days off. My parents bought Brad and I a grill and it was here when we returned home. My first day home was spent shopping for things to grill and then assembling my new toy. Its the Weber Q (isn't that just utterly appropriate) and it has my stamp of approval as well as Mondo Rick-o's as well. I highly recommend this grill for anyone who as a limited amount space and/or wants a grill that is good for home or travel (the grill comes out of the stand and can be taken with on camping trips and accommodates a small propane tank).

I'm so liberal with the parentheses today(strange isn't it)?
I also spent a nominal amount of time throwing some photos together into a photo movie. I have the iLife '06 suite of apps for the Mac so I figured that I'd actually use some the capabilities that Mac apps are famed for. I had uploaded the video to Google video and wanted to be slick and embed it into the blog post itself but that was an utter bust so click on the image of the movie and you can watch and download the movie.